Usability Testing With Biometrics.

User Testing through our Biometric Lab gives you valuable insight into your customer's behaviour and takes the guesswork out of conversion rate optimisation.

Using the latest biometric technology, sensors and computing power we are able to understand your customers emotions better than ever before. Unlocking thousands of data points, allowing us to design over 80 potential tests on average to better improve UX and power more conversions through your website.

Find and Fix Your UX Issues

Our User Testing Process

Get To Know Your Customer

We start at the begining by understanding your customers and their goals. Using tools such as our biometric lab, screen recordings, click tracking, heat maps all combined with in-depth analytics, we gain detailed insight into the behaviour of your customers and potential sticking points. We then use all the data gathered to implement A/B or multivariate testing plans which are specifically designed to address these challenges.

Our User Testing Process

User Research In Our Lab

Measure exactly how your users are feeling

Using our biometric lab we are able to analyse your website and tell you exactly where visitors are struggling. We lean on this data to produce designs that solve these pain points, increasing user engagement which ultimately means more sales and leads for you!

User Research In Our Lab